Business operations can be quite complex. To ensure efficient operations, you must prioritize efforts to simplify your business. Read about our thoughts on simplification.
The right business metrics and KPIs are critical for understanding the direction of your business. Those businesses that don't have business metrics or too many, are flying by the seat of their pants.
A one way door decision is one with high-impact consequences. These decisions must be made with a high degree of certainty. Learn how to assess this decision making.
Make decisions faster by breaking them down into a 2 way door decision or one way door decision. Most decisions are 2 way doors which can be made fast.
Use this free Meyers Briggs test -- also known as the MBTI test. This can give you a better understanding of your personality type from the free MBTI test.
A mentor can be an amazing catalyst to your personal growth. The mentor or leadership coach can help you create an even better impact and accelerate your career.
The question on are leaders born or made has been debated amongst leadership theorists for years. More recently, studies on twins have provided the clear answer.